When Jesus Died (Luke 23:1-25)
Journey with Jesus to the Cross Wednesday, April 13
Read Luke 23:1-25
When Jesus died, he died for Pilate. Yes, Pilate. The same Pilate who condemned him despite knowing he was innocent. The same Pilate who caved in to the demands of the crowd. He stands for all those who have taken the easy path rather than the right path. All those who sacrifice their principles for the sake of the bottom line. Pilate’s expediency put Jesus on the cross. And Jesus died for Pilate.
When Jesus died, he died for chief priests.
Yes, the chief priests. The same priests who arrested him on trumped-up charges. The same priests who shaded the truth and perverted their religious tradition in order to condemn Jesus. They stand for all those who’ve done the same: from the religious broadcaster who bilks the faithful, to the true believer who twists the truth to suit his agenda. All those who’ve believed the end justified the means. The priests’ duplicity put Jesus on the cross. And Jesus died for them.
When Jesus died, he died for Herod Antipas.
Yes, Herod Antipas. The same Herod who beheaded John the Baptist. The same Herod who was curious about Jesus and then, disappointed he would not perform a miracle for him, resorted to ridiculing him. He represents all those who aren’t really interested in Jesus, except as a topic to discuss or dismiss. All those who are not really serious about following Jesus. Herod’s insincerity put Jesus on the cross. And Jesus died for Herod.
When Jesus died, he died for the crowds.
Yes, the crowds. The same crowds who clamored for his crucifixion. The same crowds who a few days before had been ready to crown him king. They stand for all the fickle folk who make promises to Jesus on Sunday and forget about them on Monday. All those who turn on Jesus the moment he disappoints them. The fickle crowds put Jesus on the cross. And Jesus died for them.
When Jesus died, he died for Barabbas.
Yes, Barabbas. The same Barabbas who was guilty of murder and insurrection. He woke in the morning expecting to die, only to discover that Someone would die in his place. He stands for all those who’ve come to realize that it should have been them on the cross instead of Jesus. Guilty Barabbas put Jesus on the cross. And Jesus died for Barabbas.
When Jesus died, he died for me.
Yes, me. I take my place alongside Pilate and the priests, Herod and the crowds, and Barabbas. I, too, am guilty of expediency, duplicity, insincerity, fickleness, and rebellion. I put Jesus on the cross. And Jesus died for me.
And I am grateful. Eternally.